Color Blocking Trends 2022

Bright colors like red, yellow, or even green would absolutely attracting everyone eyes and lighten your mood. When two or more contrasting or complimentary colors/pattern on fabric pieces are sewn together to create a finished garment, it called Color Blocking. In an attempt to return life as we knew it pre-Covid, most designers have gone ahead and embraced colors in a manner wherein collections are more colorful than the other with this Color Blocking technique. The trend comes as one of many trends from spring/summer 2022 catwalk print & pattern trend report and was spotted across the runway presentations of Nina Ricci, Tom Ford, Valentino, and Versace, rendering this a trend to watch out for.

One way to be wild with some curves and cut from Color Blocking technique in Rumacorak comes with geometrical pattern colored peach-green-blue that would be one of a kind fashion pattern on your wardrobe because of its uniqueness!


Source: (2017). Color Blocking for Beginners. (2021). The Print, Pattern and Colour Trend Report for Spring/Summer 2022. Spring/Summer 2022 Catwalk Prinit & Pattern Trend Report: Colour Block – Designs.