Drawn and Orderly Pattern Trend 2023

Drawn and orderly pattern is a trend that has been around for a while but it’s back again this season. The main idea of this trend is to show off an elegant outfit that has a crisp and clean look. This pattern usually made up of dots, stripes or geometric shapes that form a specific image when viewed from afar. This is also known as optical illusion or trompe l’oeil style art. The use of bold colors and geometric shapes is what makes this trend so popular among consumers today! This new fashion trend is perfect for SS23 because the main colors used in this trend is pastel and more fresh colors, so they don’t make you feel too hot when the weather gets warmer. The best part about this new fashion trend is that it goes with everything! You can wear it with jeans or with dresses; it doesn’t matter what you wear because all the designs will work perfectly together!

The key of season trend is to keep your outfit simple so that the pattern stands out. In Rumacorak, we design Circle Coral orderly-pattern that mix geometric dots with sealife trend. This classy and sophisticated pattern is ready on Patternbank (link below).





Plumager.com. (2022). Trend Forecast – Spring/Summer 2023: SS23 – Drawn & Orderly. https://www.plumager.com/blogs/plumager-print-design/trend-spring-summer-2023.